Bid Writing and Fundraising Strategies

Writing the case for support, developing strong narrative and securing public and strategic support for projects. We have detailed knowledge of funding including National Lottery Heritage Fund, Communities Fund, Arts Council England, Government and regional regeneration, trusts and foundations. We have a strong track record of securing capital and revenue funding for a wide range of projects over many years.

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Brentwood Theatre

The Cultural Engine worked with Brentwood Theatre to put together a plan of action that would secure funding from Essex CC to increase their capacity in the key areas of public/charity fundraising and developing strong corporate relationships. The City of Culture.


Southend City of Culture

The Cultural Engine led the bidding process for Southend to become the UK City of Culture in 2017. We worked with a wide range of partners to put together a clear offer to the Government that recognises Southend’s strengths and a visitor destination (and its emerging strengths) while presenting a clear case for cultural-led regeneration…


Resorting to the Coast – Tendring Coastal Towns

Working with Essex County Council and many local partners we developed the ‘Resorting to the Coast’ stage 2 HLF application which included writing a comprehensive interpretation strategy about the undiscovered / under-interpreted heritage of the seaside towns in Tendring. The heritage of the seaside and resort growth needs to be better understood by strategic partners…