Project Development and Management

Managing projects through all stages of delivery. This includes project initiation, project planning, budget and cash-flow management, delivery on the ground, procurement of services and works.

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Shoeburyness Cart & Wagon Shed (Heritage Centre)

Cultural Engine have worked over the last few years to develop a comprehensive plan for the delivery of the Cart & Wagon Shed project in Shoeburyness. This includes working with a the local Shoebury Coastal CIC on a business, funding and interpretation strategy, securing funding for design and working with partners to ensure the building…


Southend YMCA

Cultural Engine have worked with Southend YMCA over the last five years, supporting them on major funding applications and development of projects and strategy. 


Cultural Engine Research Group

Cultural Engine Research Group (CERG) is a partnership between the University of Essex, the University of East London and the Cultural Engine, established in 2014 to explore academic ideas and bring them out into public debate. CERG holds events in community settings, with academics from a range of HE institutions offering insight and thought on…