Project Development and Management

Managing projects through all stages of delivery. This includes project initiation, project planning, budget and cash-flow management, delivery on the ground, procurement of services and works.

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Shoeburyness Cart & Wagon Shed (Heritage Centre)

Cultural Engine have worked over the last few years to develop a comprehensive plan for the delivery of the Cart & Wagon Shed project in Shoeburyness. This includes working with a the local Shoebury Coastal CIC on a business, funding and interpretation strategy, securing funding for design and working with partners to ensure the building…


Essex Network of Artists Studios (ENAS)

The Cultural Engine worked with the Essex Network of Artist Studios and Essex County Council to put together an action and funding plan, working with key players to further develop the collaborative concept of studios working together for mutual benefit, sharing best practice and supporting local creative economies.


Restoring The World’s First Operational Radar Station

The Cultural Engine led this project following a successful Stage 1 pass achieved by Bawdsey Radar Trust in 2013. This included the full development and application process for Stage 2 and ultimately secured £1.8m of capital funding for this important heritage asset on the Deben Peninsula area of Suffolk. Peter Vadden was Construction Project Manager for the Delivery…