Project Development and Management

Managing projects through all stages of delivery. This includes project initiation, project planning, budget and cash-flow management, delivery on the ground, procurement of services and works.

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Brentwood Theatre

The Cultural Engine worked with Brentwood Theatre to put together a plan of action that would secure funding from Essex CC to increase their capacity in the key areas of public/charity fundraising and developing strong corporate relationships. The City of Culture.


Essex Network of Artists Studios (ENAS)

The Cultural Engine worked with the Essex Network of Artist Studios and Essex County Council to put together an action and funding plan, working with key players to further develop the collaborative concept of studios working together for mutual benefit, sharing best practice and supporting local creative economies.


Southend and the Great War Exhibition

The Cultural Engine worked with the Southend Museum Service to develop a programme of activity, exhibition and commemorative book for the Central Museum, and we produced the HLF bid which secured £90,000 in 2014.