Strategy Development

Writing relevant and deliverable strategies with a broad range of stakeholders, identifying wants and needs, hosting events and presentations and setting a clear course for achieving desired outcomes. This includes local economic development and regeneration, arts/cutlural strategy, heritage and community. We have worked on strategies for local authorities, charities, arts/cutlural and heritage organisations and education sector.

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Essex Cultural Diversity Project

Cultural Engine have worked collaboratively with ECDP since 2015, supporting them to become an Arts Council National Portfolio Organisation and developing funding and arts commissioning strategies. 


Essex County Council – Cultural Commissioning Programme

The Cultural Engine was commissioned by Essex CC to run a year-long Cultural Commissioning Programme which recogniSed the challenges faced by arts and cultural organisations with limited funding and capacity. Through this programme, we supported many of the counties arts and cultural organisations with bid writing, strategy and business planning, problem-solving and organisational development.


A Unique Forest Church St Peter-in-the-Forest, Walthamstow

The Cultural Engine led this project following a successful Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) Stage 1 pass achieved by the Parish in 2017. We led the full development and application process for the HLF Stage 2 and ultimately secured the capital funding for this important heritage asset. The £1,880,000 project will correct serious structural damage and…