Strategy Development

Writing relevant and deliverable strategies with a broad range of stakeholders, identifying wants and needs, hosting events and presentations and setting a clear course for achieving desired outcomes. This includes local economic development and regeneration, arts/cutlural strategy, heritage and community. We have worked on strategies for local authorities, charities, arts/cutlural and heritage organisations and education sector.

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Southend Food Culture Project

Recognising food as a critical element of culture, we have undertaken significant research relating to the importance of developing projects, strategies and local policies to support healthy food cultures in large urban areas. Working closely with local partners, the project is developing through collaborative cooking in communities, securing funding for new initiatives and sharing information…


Southend and the Great War Exhibition

The Cultural Engine worked with the Southend Museum Service to develop a programme of activity, exhibition and commemorative book for the Central Museum, and we produced the HLF bid which secured £90,000 in 2014.


Coastal Community Funding

Working for Southend on Sea Borough Council, developing and writing a Coastal Community Fund bid to secure £1.3m to develop a range of measures which improve the coastal tourism offer in the area, including building a new lagoon between the famous Southend Pier and Three Shells Beach.